About the major
I don’t remember my dream job or major when I was a child, but in primary school I wanted to study architecture and build a lots of buildings, but as the time went by I saw my drawings and they weren’t very good and I didn’t like to draw that much.
During the High School I liked all the majors related to the health (nutrition, odontology,kinesiology and medicine) but on my last year of High School I realized that I really liked history, I don’t know which major of this area but I loved the history class, after that I decided to study Ingenieria Comercial at UAI or FEN, I took a year to study in a preuniversitario and improve my score at PSU, but during that year I wasn’t sure to study that major, this was how I knew about Public Administration and the similarities with Ingenieria Comercial. I investigated about the major and I liked it, so I applied for Public Administration here (Universidad de Chile) and USACH, but I still like Ingenieria Comercial.
My experience at university at the moment it's good! I have met a lot of people and I have a good friends!! <3 But with the university in general I am a little disappointed, it is not like the things at the university exhibitions.
I would like to work in a ministry or have a charge of popular representation.
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ResponderEliminarI would like see you as charge of popular representation!!