
- My future job -

I currently study Public Administration at Universidad de Chile, because I love the social work you can do from this major; and the job I want when I finish the university is work in some state ministry, I don’t know which but in any of the 23 of our country. Why a ministry? I want to work there because I wish and want contribute to the country from the public policies or small changes which can be later be very significant for all the chileans. I have no trouble with work in a office but I would like in a office and “terreno”, is important see all things involved with the public policy!  Conversely, with regard to travel a lot in my job, I would love to!! I consider that with travel at the job is very important at the time of apply the new knowledge in our country, but how I would like to work in a ministry I see that a little difficult, because I think that is only for the key positions in the ministry, in other words, for the minister or assistant secretary. Anyway, despite I w...

~ The Politician ~

At this moment my favorite TV show is a Netflix series called The Politician, the series is about a young man called Payton Hobart, which is a rich guy from Santa Barbara, California and he want to be a president for the United States. Whereby he decided, as a first step, become a candidate for the presidency of his school.  Since we already know the plot, I can tell you some things about the serie! The principal characters are Infinity Jackson, Astrid Sloan, River Barkley, Alice Charles, McAfee, James and obviously Payton. During the series, the friends of Payton help him to win the school elections in order to make it your first victory and in the future get to the White House as his advisors, but during the series the first goal (president of school) is difficult for many bad things and his ambition and obsession for being president. My favorite episode is the campaign to get votes, this episode is my favorite because reflect the reality during a political campaign...

- My bff -

I think that I don't have one best friend, because I consider some of my friends my best friends. They are very important for me, I love them so much! They are always when I need anything, the good and the bad moments and also go to party together!! But in this post I talk about my friend Valentina, I met her last year at the university, we were classmates and since the first days of university we made friends! Although we've friends two years ago, we are real and really good friends, despite in some things we are different but we connect very good! If any of the two of us says "hey go out to this place?" or "Let's party!" always we say yes hahaha. As in all friendship, we had good moments and bad moment, but nothing so bad. The saddest thing was she changed to the Universidad Católica, because she dind't like Administración Pública, it is a sad thing, we don't see each other everyday :( The best memory we had was when we went to Pichilemu for ...

Justin Bieber's Concert

I still remember the Justin Bieber’s concert in Chile, but I love the second  one in 2013, the “Believe tour” arrived to Santiago and the bieber mania grow! His concert was when I have 14 years old and in this moment I loved his! His songs was amazing and very funny. The concert was at Estadio Nacional in Ñuñoa, the stadium was filled with all the chilean beliebers (the name of Justin’s fans).  I went to the first concert in 2011 at the same place, but I liked a lot the second, because I was at the first queue! Saw Justin so close was amazing!!! I never thought that, but as Justin say “Never say Never”, the dreams come true!! I went to this concert with my friend Valentina, she helped me to stay at the first queue! because I had the queue 47 and despite that was close to, I would not even see Justin so close :(   I think I never forget these concert by the good moment with my dear friend Valentina and whatever whe sang and shouted ! <3

English classes

Hello! My name is Ignacia Arévalo Martínez, but my friends call me “Nacha” or “Nachi” . I am 20 years old and I’m study Public Administration at Escuela de Gobierno y Gestión Pública of Universidad de Chile. My expectations for the english classes are learn (as far as possible) english a little more fluent, I would like speak clearly and understand what I hear. At this time I know a few of english but my pronunciation it isn’t very good, sometimes I’m ashamed and I don’t speak, I don’t like it, almost always I know what I mean, but for the pronunciation I don’t talk :(  I hope enjoy the course!!! As I said before, my main weakness is the pronunciation and my strength is reading, I can understand almost everything!


Today I’m going to talk about the country of my dreams hahah, which is Greece in Europe! I would like travel to (in specific) Mykonos, because this city caught my attention for many years. About the country I know the essentials of their history which I learnt at school, such as, their language is greek, the government is a unitary parliamentary republic and there is the birthplace of democracy! When I can visit Mykonos, I would like to travel around the island (because Mykonos is a island in the Aegean Sea), enjoy at the beach, the sun, the architecture, and finally go out to the different clubs! Most of the time the  famous DJs in the world play there!! Sincerely, I don’t know if I would study, work or live in Greece, I don’t imagine as public administrator here, I want to work in the chilean ministries or public services I see the country mostly for tourism and have a good time.

Academia Diplomática "Andrés Bello"

Sincerely I didn’t visit frequently a career related website, obviously they are important but not all the time so necessary, that is to say, I visit career related website’s when I have essays or papers for the university, there are much needed for this, because on that  website’s are all the necessary information for things of university. However the website what else I have visited is the website of Academia Diplomática de Chile “Andrés Bello”, the link are: http://www.academiadiplomatica.cl/   The website have five sections, which are “Inicio”, “Quiénes somos”, “Portal ACADE”, “Contacto” and “Noticias ACADE”. In the section “Inicio” you can find the top news of the Academia Diplomática, information for apply, videos, interviews and much more!, While in the section “Contacto” you can find the e-mail, address and phone number of the academy, and also  “información secretaría de estudios”. As I say before, I visit the website’s for essays, papers or prese...